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Distribution Hope in Washington with Toys for Tots, and Good360


The Partnership with The Moore Wright Group, Good360, and Toys for Tots to create the Toys for Hope COVID-19 Distribution was bigger and better than anticipated. Over the course of 4 days, The Moore Wright Group was able to distribute over 100,000 toys into 20 counties with and 87 Nonprofit Organizations, School Districts, and Tribes who service children and youth who have been involved in foster care, have a history of abuse, or who are homeless youth.

The most amazing thing was not the sheer joy this brought to children and youth, but the hope this inspired in the organizational and school district leaders. Leaders who are in desperate need of things to keep children engaged but also recognizing the disparities that exist with vulnerable populations. School Districts who are willing to drive 7 hours to get toys for their youth because they know this will help them to overcome during a time like this.

COVID-19 and social distancing are a thing that people are trying to get used to and handle on a daily basis, but this and future partnerships are helping the vulnerable youth in 20 counties in Washington to smile and have hope, knowing that they are not alone and that someone cares. We are all in this together.

1 коментар

29 трав. 2020 р.

Thank you to all who worked hard to make this happen. The youth and families in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program greatly benefited from this distribution of toys and games! Moriah Candler

BBBS of Southwest Washington

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